
Showing posts from December, 2020


  A sustainable future's goal is to meet the needs in the present, without bargaining   the needs for tomorrow. We, people must know our environmental   limits so that we cannot continue too much using our natural resources and will not leave enough for the future generations. The natural community is where we have need of.   Encourage awareness to everyone by bringing into focus the effects of over using natural resources to the necessities for tomorrow. Promote sustainability for the betterment of our future because in promoting sustainability we can protect our environmental and human community.   Natural resources needs to be utilized, saved, and conserve because if not, there will be no bright in the future. Global warming triggers our environment and without a stable and secure environment affects our needs to survive. Raise our sustainability skills and environmental expertise to the human world so that it can spread awareness to everyone and will be able to see clearly


          A movement of the ground in a particular place is a seldom cause of property damage, injuries, and worst is death. Earthquake can be so dangerous if you're unprepared or you know nothing on what to do and not to do during an earthquake because  a simple information can lead you into survival.     The National Simultaneous Earth quake drill helps us protect ourselves if an earthquake occurs. This drill prevent us from being in a state of being injured or being in any deadly effects that may happen to us. The importance of performing this drill is that it can help your system beware that in anytime or in anywhere calamity hits and being prepared is a must     We must take this drill seriously because this drill is making sure that the residents of the certain area where an earthquake might happen be prepared and safe.Participating in this said drill will make you understand the must do and must not do if an earthquake occurs . References: